Bird List To Date

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My December 2009 issue of BC Birding (British Columbia Field Ornithologist quarterly magazine) arrived today. After reading the article titled NMT on 'No Motorized Transportation' birding by Guy L. Monty, I decided I would do some 'green' birding of my  own. Since I live on a beautiful spot beside the Kootenay River I don't have to travel far to find birds. Two years ago in early June I did a big day and didn't travel more than 2 km from my home and traveled only by foot, bike or scooter. I surprised myself by seeing almost 60 species in 12 hours.

I plan to count as many species of birds as possible between March 1st, 2010 and February 28th, 2011 within a 10 kilometer radius of my home. This will include Shoreacres proper, Slocan Pool and trail, Glade, Kootenay River, Playmor Junction, Slocan River and the Ward Ferry trail. 

Where is Shoreacres? Halfway between Nelson and Castlegar in the West Kootenays on Hwy 3A near the junction with Hwy 6 to the Slocan Valley. Shoreacres is a flat rural area bounded by forest and the Kootenay River. We are fortunate to have some small wetlands ponds on our and the neighbouring properties.  

My target is to see 150 species in 12 months. The 2003 Checklist of  West Kootenay Birds compiled by Gary S. Davidson indicates 315 species have been recorded in the checklist area.  

Next post will be March 1st with a list of birds seen that day and the count will officially start!

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