Bird List To Date

Sunday, August 29, 2010

American Kestrels

It's August, so I know I'm guaranteed to see American Kestrels somewhere in Shoreacres, and usually in our yard. Today, during a short hail storm, one was sitting at the top of a fir tree. As the hail and rain pelleted down on him, instead of retreating to a drier spot, he stayed put, but also extended his wings out to the side as if sheltering from the rain and hail. Odd behaviour I thought as he was still get wet!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Solitary Sandpiper

I went for a walk along the river this evening in search of migrating sandpipers. I did see a small peep a few days ago but was without binoculars and didn't positively identify it. Today it was easier the shorebird I saw was easier to identify as it was the larger Solitary Sandpiper (122) which I see in the ponds each August. 

Also about are lots of tiny greens frogs (as big as my thumbnail) everywhere. This is an annual event. They are Pacific Tree Frogs.

Lurking in the reeds I noticed a rather large crocodile as well! I'll have to keep a close eye on the grandkids next time they come to visit...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Same time every year

I'm beginning to notice a pattern. This is the third summer in a row I've seen a group of Black Swifts (121) here at the same time period. It was great to sit outside on the deck and eat dinner and watch them dipping and diving. I estimate about 40 this year which is more than past years. Just a few hours earlier I wondered if I would see Black Swifts today.....