Bird List To Date

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Winter Wonderland

According to a good birding friend in Creston, she said it was a good winter for the little Northern Pygmy Owl and are seen on most outings. So, I thought, I'll go out and look for one! And I did! I'm up to 127 birds seen this year now. It's a beautiful day here. Sunshine and around zero degrees Celsius. The owl flew across an open field in front of me and landed in a large poplar. At first I wondered what it was. I always think Owls are bigger. The striking brown and white pattern and touches of yellow had me stumped for a moment. But when I got a better look I could see it was a pygmy owl. Here's a link to a nice video taken in Creston yesterday by Brent Wellander.

Merry Christmas!

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