Bird List To Date

Monday, September 20, 2010

Common Nighthawks

My neighbours Al & Val called to tell me they had a bird roosting on the roof of their house. I went over for a look and we decided it was a juvenile Common nighthawk. What a rare treat to see this bird at rest and to observe it's plumage in detail. Normally, we only see it at dusk while it twists and turns catching insects. 

Saw a small flock (6) of Horned Grebes in front of our house and heard reports of larger flocks on Kootenay lake near Nelson. The Ospreys are still around. I went kayaking last week and saw four Great Blue Herons. 

Larry found a huge Western toad in our small pond beside our deck a few weeks ago. Turns out is probably a female which can lay 16,000 eggs. I have noticed, as well as tiny green pacific tree frogs, we have lots of little broad toadlets.

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