Bird List To Date

Friday, September 24, 2010

Northern Harrier

I must have been in a hypnotic trance the first time this bird flew by because she had to come by a second time to show me that she wasn't a Cooper's Hawk but a Northern Harrier (123).  She flew by low to the ground, slowly, showing off her white rump patch. It just didn't register the first time. I just looked and thought, 'oh there's that Cooper's again!' The Harrier is still around somewhere because I can hear the crows are agitated and cawing back and forth. I'm pretty sure my subconscious mind knew it was a Northern Harrier and that's why it sent the bird around a second time for my conscious mind to register it. This is only the second time I've had a Northern Harrier here in 3 years. Gail: I'm pretty sure it's the same bird you photographed. I guess it will pass Michael's Hawk watch tomorrow!

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