Bird List To Date

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Catching up

Our high-speed modem needed to be replaced so I was unable to connect to the internet for the past week. So, I'll catch up now on some sightings. On March 18th I finally saw my first swallow. A pair of Violet-green Swallows (35) were sitting on some lines in Shoreacres. In the past swallows arrived in Shoreacres at least a week earlier. I thought the good weather we had would have them arriving even earlier rather than later but perhaps the good weather had them dispersed. It seems Shoreacres is a good spot for them in inclement weather.

On March 18th we heard both a Great Horned Owl (36) and a Northern Saw-whet Owl calling. In the past, we either heard one or the other. To date, we have never seen either one of these owls in Shoreacres. The only owl we have seen here was a Northern Pygmy Owl a few winters back.

Finally, more swallows arrived back on March 22nd. Tree Swallows (37) were flying and calling. The resident Blue Jay (38) was heard and seen the same day. In the bay in Slocan pools two pairs of American Wigeons (39) were hanging out with the Canada Geese.

I can tell Elk have been around by their droppings on our road but we rarely see them during the day.

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