Bird List To Date

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Grebes & more

The Slocan Pool keeps coming up with surprises. Late this morning I saw one Red-necked Grebe (71) near Gold Island.  Then, there was a pair of Horned Grebes (72) that were swimming with a pair of female Ruddy Ducks. I see them infrequently. Otherwise, the pools were quiet.

Two adult Bald Eagles flew overhead as I was talking to my neighbour. He likely saw a flock of Bonaparte Gulls heading upriver yesterday. He also reported finding a pile of pale feathers and only seeing one of the Eurasian Collared Doves. While we were talking it started to coo very loudly!

Since living in Shoreacres a pair of Barn Swallows (73) have made their home in an old barn nearby. I saw one today sitting on the power lines in front of the barn. This is their usual spot. Two summers ago I saw fledged young on the power lines and the year before I found the dried remains of one young that got blown out of the barn with the nest. 

Ruby-crowned Kinglets and House Finches were singing. I still haven't heard a Western Meadowlark! Also, I haven't seen any goslings and usually there are large families using the ponds. I wonder where they are?

Put out the hummingbird feeder this morning. Just heard and saw a Rufous Hummingbird (74) as he zipped past.

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