Bird List To Date

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Yellow-headed Blackbird

This morning, my alarm clock was a female Yellow-headed Blackbird (93). Her unusual call can't be confused with anything else! As with the lone Coot and Wood Duck, we get one Yellow-headed Blackbird every spring. I decided to go out and see what else was around. The Brewer's Blackbird nest was still active. A Common Yellowthroat (94) was calling but stayed hidden. A bird that usually hides until I hear them was seen in full view! This was a Gray Catbird (95). I thought I heard one a few days ago but now I can confirm it. 

Normally, there are several families of Canada Geese but this year I only saw them once. Very unusual. But it's also okay as there are lots of geese around!

I heard an unusual noise in the pond just as I was leaving. There was some rippling in the water which I'd noticed several times before but never see anything. This time I did. Four very large frogs! Once I identify them I'll post a photo.

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