Bird List To Date

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Big Excitement on the Pool Tonight!

My neigbhour Valerie phoned at 6:30pm to tell me 2 American White Pelicans (52) were on the Slocan Pool. Larry grabbed the scope and video camera and I admit we drove 1/2km down to the pool. We met Al & Val there and sure enough 2 Pelicans were serenely swimming not far from shore at the end of Davidson Road. Pelicans are fairly common in Creston but I consider them extremely rare here in the West Kootenays. I have never seen them here myself but recall hearing about some flying upriver about 10 years ago. According to Al & Val who have lived here for more than 30 years, they have never seen Pelicans here before. Thank you Al for spotting them and Val for phoning me. (Note: top photo above taken in Texas. Lower photo by Al Dingwall taken on Slocan Pool)

While at the Pool there was a large raft of ducks which I was able to scope out. Yesterday there was only one Northern Shoveller, today there were lots more. And among the Shovellers and American Wigeon I saw one male Green-winged Teal.

The Killdeer was still on her nest this evening. I can see her on the next from the end of Jeffs Road so I don't disturb her.

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