Bird List To Date

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Snakes & Hawks

I thought at first the Red-tailed Hawk was carrying a stick and so watched to see where he would fly with it and find their nest. But instead he landed in a tree nearby. The next time he flew off I realized he was carrying a 2-3' snake in his talons. We do have lots of snakes here. That will be one less...

A heard the distinctive call (frip,frip,frip) of a Northern Rough-winged Swallow (45) and saw it fly by. Last year I found a nest burrow in the river bank. The song sparrows and Red-winged Blackbirds were singing. A pair of Killdeer were doing their broken wing display. I wonder if they will try to nest right here. The Tree Swallows are starting to claim their nest boxes. A Northern Flicker was calling. Still lots of Canada Geese fertilizing the lawn. Mallards are hanging out in the ponds.  Robins are busy finding worms in the lawn.

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