Bird List To Date

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Feeder Birds

Our property doesn't have a lot of trees on it, therefore we don't get as many birds as our neighbours do. I went walking down to their place and sure enough saw some news birds. About a dozen male and female Brewer's Blackbirds (47) were feeding on the ground under the tree which holds their bird feeder. As well a single White-crowned Sparrow (48) was at the feeder. They also reported a Mourning Dove and Evening Grosbeak in the last week.

On the way home I noticed two female Mountain Bluebirds hawking insects.

Checking out the ponds there was a single female Blue-winged Teal (49) with a pair of Mallards. A trio of very silent Steller's Jays were seen with a Blue Jay. Singing American Robins, House Finches, Song Sparrows and Pine Siskins were also enjoying this fine spring morning. 

Last night we heard a chorus of Pacific Tree Frogs as well as a Great Horned Owl hooting from across the river. The Tree Frogs like to hide in my plant pots. Last fall I brought in my potted herbs and later, as I was sitting & reading I heard a very loud 'ribbid'. A frog was in the large pot that contained parsley!

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