Bird List To Date

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Number 42

I went for a short walk after dinner to see what I could see. I didn't see any new birds. But I did hear a Varied Thrush (42) calling from the forest across the river.A Bald Eagle flew low down and grabbed some weedy material that was lying on the ground. Is it nesting material? I haven't checked yet to see if the Bald Eagles are sitting on eggs. The last 2 years they failed to produce any young.
Across the river a group of 3 Elk were at the salt lick. The Northern Shrike is still around and I flushed him from one tree and he flew to another. Two Red-tailed hawks are around now and my neigbhour reported seeing one carrying some sticks to a conifer. He is going to keep an eye on the tree and see if they nest there.

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