Bird List To Date

Thursday, April 29, 2010

More Additions

During my morning walk to the mailbox I heard the beautiful musical song of a Ruby-crowned Kinglet (63). They are a frequent species to the Kootenays.  Upon approaching Slocan Pool at the end of Davidson Road I saw a small group of male and female Buffleheads. Among them was a single male Ruddy Duck (64). They were close enough to shore that I could make out his distinctive blue bill. What a beauty! This is only the second time I've seen a Ruddy Duck on the Pool. You can spot them frequently at the Waldie Island Sewage Treatment Ponds in Castlegar. 

To date I had only heard Yellow-rumped Warblers but today I saw one. It was the Audubon form with the yellow throat. Brewer's Blackbirds have invaded my yard. Last year they were nesting in some fir trees down the road. This year I already saw them carrying nesting material to these trees.

1 comment:

  1. Birding is such a nice hobby, I myself started in 2006, and that prompt me to get bigger lens (ouch for the savings, lol), but it was worth it. Thanks for sharing your findings. Do you count all the birds you seen, including the one in captivity too? Anna :)
