Bird List To Date

Monday, April 12, 2010

Neigbhours helping out

I went out along the river this morning and then was joined by Al & Val. We heard and saw Killdeer and lots of Tree and Violet-green swallows. At their place, Val noticed a bird with a bit of yellowish colour on its back. A Townsend's Solitaire (44). Thanks Val! The Bald Eagles on Gold Island are sitting low on their nest, hopefully incubating eggs. The past two years the nest has not produced any young. An immature eagle also was seen along the river. The Canada Geese seem to be everywhere and Mallards are in the pon. Al reported hearing and seeing a Meadowlark last week. Lots of birds were singing such as Song Sparrow and House Finch. Also, the Red-winged Blackbirds numbers are getting bigger. 

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