Bird List To Date

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Recent Arrival to the Kootenays

Today, while eating breakfast and looking towards the Kootenay River I saw a Double-crested Cormorant (62) flying north. I'm not sure of the exact date, but they have only recently started nesting in the Creston area. They are sometimes spotted in Castlegar sitting on pilings. I have only seen them here a few times in the past 4 years, usually flying upriver. There distinctive shape is hard to confuse with any other bird. The most exciting time I saw a Cormorant here in Shoreacres was when I was doing my Big Day in early June of 2008. It was the end of the day and I had just returned from cycling around Shoreacres to see if I could add any more species. I had already spent a good part of the day looking out over the river and our ponds but I thought I would check one more time. Lo and behold, there sat a DC Cormorant on our dock! This was a first. I quickly phoned our neighbours and they walked over and the Cormorant was still sitting quietly on the dock. 

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