Bird List To Date

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Cooper's Hawk & Bufflehead

A Cooper's Hawk (58) makes his home in the Shoreacres & Slocan Pool area. I know they nest in the forests as I observed them copulating in the spring of 2008. Then, that fall we observed an immature Cooper's Hawk. We often see them chasing the small birds in our back yard. I was able to witness one time how the White-crowned Sparrows froze into place when they realized they couldn't escape to the safety of a tree. That time, the sparrow was spared.

A large flock of about 60 ducks landed in the Pool this morning. I rode my bike over to the end of Shoreacres Rd for a better look. Most of the ducks were Northern Shoveller's and American Wigeon. There was a small group of Bufflehead (59).

The morning rain showers brought a large number of migrating White-crowned Sparrows and Savannah Sparrows. Also, Robins seemed to be everywhere.

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